ADN114 – Advance 15 – Surgical Skills for Nurses

£497.00 (+VAT)

All of your course materials for this course are available immediately. You have unlimited access to your course materials and the forum for 12 months, however no tutor moderation is now available.

This online course in Surgical Skills For Veterinary Nurses is designed to provide attending nurses with basic surgical skills that can be integrated into their everyday practice, whether they work in general practice or in the referral setting.

Log on at any time – suitable for all time zones.

‘Very informative, videos and pictures to help explain points. Helped me improve the dressing/bandage use at work and use the correct materials for the correct stage of the wound.’

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Learn in your own time with this fully flexible Advance15TM Course.

In this interactive course, we will discuss how to efficiently and appropriately manage open wounds, how to manage drains and feeding tubes in the postoperative period, and how to diagnose and remove small skin masses. The lectures and forum will include a combination of theoretical knowledge and discussion around cases and real-life scenarios, with tools and tips that you can start using immediately.

Enjoy unlimited access to your course materials for a full 12 months. Get the help you need to deal effectively with your small animal patients.

Complete the course and get your CPD / CE Certificate for 15 Hours of learning.

Use your new knowledge and skills straight away in your practice.
Revisit your course materials at any time during your 12 months’ access to refresh your knowledge whenever you have a relevant patient.

Session 1: Instrument handling and suturing

Use of surgical instruments, skin staples and tissue adhesives
Suture materials and suture patterns

In this session we will look at the most common surgical instruments and how they should be used. We will also discuss appropriate use of skin staples and tissue adhesives, and look at the different available suture materials. We will then cover basic suture patterns for skin and subcutaneous tissues, which will be put to use in session 4.

Session 2: Open wound management

Basics of wound healing, dressing types, composition and indications
Step by step management of traumatic open wounds

In this session you will learn about the most common types of dressings used for open wounds, when to use them and how to secure them. The second hour will outline a practical guide to the management of open wounds.

Session 3: Drains and feeding tubes

Drains: passive drains, active suction drains and wound soaker catheters – how are they placed and how should they be used?
Feeding tubes: oesophagostomy and gastrostomy feeding tubes

In this session we will first look at the different types of drains and their practical use. The second hour will be dedicated to the two most common types of feeding tubes and how to manage them postoperatively. Both webinars will include some troubleshooting tips for drains and feeding tubes.

Session 4: Management of benign skin masses

Fine needle aspiration and biopsy techniques for skin masses
Resection of simple skin masses

In this final session you will learn how to efficiently sample skin masses, both using needle aspiration and biopsy (including incisional, punch and Trucut biopsies). In the last hour we will go step-by-step through how to remove small, benign skin masses.

What do Veterinary Nurses Say About this Course?

‘Very informative, videos and pictures to help explain points. Helped me improve the dressing/bandage use at work and use the correct materials for the correct stage of the wound.’

‘Really enjoyed it! given me some knowledge to understand more about suturing and why and how we pick suture materials going forward, more confidence to suture and remove small simple masses in practice’

‘Great content and variety of videos, and the notes are useful to refer back to. The quiz helps to make sure you have understood the lectures.’

‘Enjoyed the course , the content has widened my knowledge which has grown my confidence in day to day work in practice.’

‘Well detailed and easy to follow visually. Great handouts too’


Erika Villedieu DVM DipECVS MRCVS

EBVS European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Any Questions? Call us now on 0151 328 0444

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