Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

£1,097.00 (+VAT)

This course is 7 hours of CPD

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BOAS is a complex multilesional disease that varies amongst breeds. This course will concentrate on the three most popular extreme brachycephalic breeds (French bulldog, pug and bulldog) and explain the different lesion sites, disease recognition and risk factors. There will be a hands on practical session to teach different types of soft palate reduction, nostril surgery and saccule resection. New surgical procedures will be discussed. Pre-operative and post-operative care will be highlighted to decrease surgical complications.

 What you’ll learn: 

  • Risk factors and disease recognition for BOAS
  • Airway noise
  • BOAS functional grading
  • Which diagnostic tests to use?
  • What’s new- what else is available if the conventional surgery fails
  • Surgical techniques – lab demonstration of nostril surgery, palate reduction, tonsillectomy and saccule resection
  • Pre and post-operative management- including tracheostomy placement and care

Course Tutor: Rachel Hattersley BVetMed(Hons) CertSAS DECVS MRCVS EBVS and RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Course Feedback:

“Fantastic speaker. Just the right level of detail and very practical. Speakers always of excellent quality in my experience.”

“Very nice environment, good facilities and excellent service offered by the staff, as for the lecturer, one of the kindest and helpful person I’ve met. Very good place for learning and exchanging opinions with others.”

“Course covered all the areas I wanted and more. The cadaver session really help consolidation of technique. Really enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Excellent tutor, practical sessions and great venue.”

This course is kindly sponsored by Veterinary Instrumentation

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Call now to reserve your place 0151 328 0444

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