Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery

£1,097.00 (+VAT)

This course is 7 hours of CPD

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Referral to an ophthalmology specialist is not always an option in practice, so how do you manage those cases that require surgical intervention but which you are not able to refer? This ‘hands-on’ introduction to eyelid and ocular surface surgery will guide you through surgical decision-making and practical surgical techniques for commonly presented eye conditions. After a mix of lectures and practical demonstrations from the course tutors, you’ll practise the surgical techniques you have learned on cadavers.

What you’ll learn:

  • Temporary eversion sutures for entropion in puppies
  • Techniques for entropion surgery
  • How to remove eyelid masses
  • How to achieve primary closure of eyelid defects
  • How to carry out keratotomy for non-healing corneal ulcers
  • How to perform conjunctival pedicle grafts

Course Tutors: Jim Carter BVetMed DVOphthal MRCVS RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology , Neil Geddes CertVOphthal MRCVS RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology 

Course Feedback:

“Very positive and would definitely recommend. Good selection of CPD’s, good tutors, nice venue.”

“Thorough, friendly, and applicable to first opinion practice. Loved the amount of practical teaching.”

“Very detailed regarding surgical technique, interesting and inspiring. Had an enjoyable day, learned a lot, comfortable facilities.”

“Really enjoyed it. Thought it was well aimed for the general practitioner with an interest in ophthalmology. It was a good mix of theory and practical.”

“Really well taught with plenty of practical time. Advanced my technique and really relevant to clinical practice (first opinion).”

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Call now to reserve your place 0151 328 0444

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