Local Anaesthetic Techniques – Vets

£1,097.00 (+VAT)

This course is 7 hours of CPD

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About The Local Anaesthetic Techniques CPD Course

Local anaesthesia is an under-used area of small animal practice and can be incorporated into many anaesthetic protocols that you will regularly carry out at your clinic. The advantages for your patients are huge. This highly practical course, accredited by the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, will help you to use local anaesthetic techniques effectively in your patients. You’ll leave this course with the confidence to perform each technique studied. First you’ll learn the theory, and then you’ll practise the techniques in hands-on sessions with the direct support of the course tutors.

What you’ll learn:

  • The very latest guidelines for pain management
  • Local anaesthetic techniques for orthopaedic, soft tissue and dental procedures that you perform in your practice
  • How to use nerve locators for specific techniques
  • How to use epidural and spinal anaesthesia in your patients
  • The opportunity to practise all techniques described

This course is relevant to vets and experienced nurses in first opinion practice as well as those studying for further qualifications in anaesthesia.

Course Tutors: 

Matt Gurney BVSc CertVA DipECVAA MRCVS European Veterinary Specialist and an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Analgesia and Anaesthesia 

Carl Bradbrook BVSc CertVA DipECVAA MRCVS European Veterinary Specialist and an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Analgesia and Anaesthesia 


Previous Delegates Said:-

“Excellent course, excellent speakers. I feel much more confident using local blocks in practice. Great to build confidence.”

“Really excellent course. Lovely, friendly and helpful tutors. Lectures were at the correct level and practical sessions reinforced the teaching brilliantly.”

“Good practical course giving skills I can take to practice immediately. Always really good courses with practical skills.”

“Overall very satisfied with this course. I feel like I’ve got sufficient theory and hands on practice for me to be confident enough to attempt these local blocks in my day to day practice. I’ve learnt a lot and enjoyed the lectures/practicals.”

“Great for a one day course. Better practical facilities than any other course, useful for general practice.”

If you are wishing to book a Vet and a Nurse onto this course please click here for the special offer rate. Or call us on 0151 328 0444 so we can take care of the admin for you.

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Call now to reserve your place 0151 328 0444

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