MS059S – ER Crash Course Mini Series
£447.00 (+VAT)
12 months access to recordings and course materials is included. Please note that these are webinar recordings and not live events. Full details on how to access the Mini Series will be emailed to you.
- Join Shailen Jasani MA VetMB DipACVECC MRCVS for three 2-hour online sessions
- Case examples and videos to illustrate key points – essential practical tips from our expert tutor
- Comprehensive notes to download
- Self-assessment quizzes to ‘release’ your 8 hours CPD certification (don’t worry, you can take them more than once if you don’t quite hit the mark first time)
- 12 Months access following purchase to recorded sessions
- Superb value for money – learn without traffic jams or rota hassles
- This Mini Series was originally broadcast live in October 2013
Boluses of Low Rates – Understanding Fluid Therapy in Shock Versus Dehydration
Hypovolaemia is the most common cause of shock in dogs and cats and can be rapidly fatal if left untreated. Dehydration is also common in veterinary patients but is assessed and treated quite differently. During this session you’ll learn the differences between hypovolaemia and dehydration before going on to look at how both problems are treated with fluid therapy but with a different protocol and approach. How might the fluid therapy that you choose differ between a trauma patient and one that is anorexic with increased gastrointestinal fluid loss?
Key points to be covered:
- Clinical differences between hypovolaemia and shock versus dehydration – why you need to know?
- Commonly available parenteral fluids: crystalloids and synthetic colloids and how to use them
- Your fluids plan and how it differs for reperfusion versus rehydration
Assessment and Stabilisation Following Motor Vehicle Trauma
Dogs and especially cats very often get hit by motor vehicles and a rational approach to their management can make the difference between life and death. During this session we’ll discuss your assessment and initial stabilisation of the RTA patient with reference to the core principles covered in the preceding sessions in this emergency medicine series. We will then go on to discuss how you should approach and manage some of the most common injuries suffered following motor vehicle trauma.
Key points to be covered:
- Assessment of your RTA patients including major body systems and the abdomen
- Initial stabilisation including fluid therapy for shock and analgesia
- Rational approach to common thoracic injuries
- Essential steps to minimising secondary effects of traumatic brain injury in your emergency patients
A Couple of Classic Small Animal Emergencies – GDV and Blocked Cats
Not all patients seen as emergencies are suffering from potentially life-threatening problems but some are! Two of the most infamous potentially fatal disorders are canine gastric dilation-volvulus syndrome (GDV) and tomcat urethral obstruction. In this session we’ll discuss the assessment and stabilisation of these patients with reference to the core principles covered in previous sessions in this emergency medicine series. We will also explore each of these emergency disorders in greater depth discussing your rational approach to their management. Do all of your GDV patients need surgery? Is cystocentesis advisable in your blocked cat patients?
Course Feedback:
“Shailen is a great speaker, clear, precise, interesting. He manages to keep up your attention very easily and naturally. I would definitely consider to do more CPD with him as a speaker”
“Practical tips for real-life situations”
The price includes all 3 sessions, notes and quiz – 8 hours of CPD
*No traffic jams, accommodation hassles, pet or childcare, rota clashes, locum fees ……….. just great CPD and a valuable ongoing resource.
*overseas customers will not be charged VAT