MS160S – Small Mammal Essentials Mini-Series

£447.00 (+VAT)

12 months access to recordings and course materials is included. Please note that these are webinar recordings and not live events. Full details on how to access the Mini Series will be emailed to you.

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  • Join Kevin Eatwell BVSc (hons) DZooMed (Reptilian) Dip ECZM (Herp) MRCVS for three 2-hour online sessions
  • Comprehensive notes to downloaded
  • Self-assessment quizzes to ‘release’ your 8 hours CPD certification (don’t worry, you can take them more than once if you don’t quite hit the mark first time)
  • A whole year’s access to recorded sessions for reviewing key points
  • Superb value for money – learn without travelling
  • Watch the recordings on your iPad!
  • This Mini Series was originally broadcast in August 2017



Session 1

Critical care, analgesia and anaesthesia of small mammals

Small mammals can present with severe illness. This means they are hypothermic, dehydrated and catabolic. Providing supportive care to a hospitalised patient before undertaking procedures under anaesthetic is critical and can make a big difference to their recovery. Tailoring analgesic regimens and anaesthetic techniques to each patient should maximise the chances of success. This session will explore the options available and look at how some simple changes can massively improve your success rate with small mammals.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to place an intraossesous catheter
  • How to use multimodal analgesia
  • How to keep these species warm
  • What nutritional support is needed and when
  • Anaesthetic techniques for critical patients
Session 2

Common medical conditions and techniques

Sick small mammals are challenging. A lot of technical skills can be transferred and modified from those you already have to enable you to make diagnoses you thought were impossible. Radiography, ultrasound, blood work, faecal analysis and cytology all can be used. Common conditions will also be discussed and some are clinically apparent allowing you to effectively treat these patients on a budget.

What you’ll learn:

  • Radiographic techniques
  • Blood sampling techniques
  • How to process faecal samples
  • Common presenting conditions
  • Routine treatments and work ups based on signalment
Session 3

Common surgical conditions and the equipment you need

It’s so much more than the surgery. Using the right equipment and techniques will maximise your chances of success. In this session equipment to put on your wish list and why and how you can use them to reduce the mortality of your surgical patients. Common surgical conditions will be discussed alongside common techniques and approaches used in small mammals.

What you’ll learn:

  • What equipment you need to make surgical procedures easier and safer
  • Technical skills that will help your surgeries to be quicker
  • Common procedures



The price includes all 3 sessions, notes and quiz – 8 hours of CPD


*No traffic jams, accommodation hassles, pet or childcare, rota clashes, locum fees ……….. just great CPD and a valuable ongoing resource.


*overseas customers will not be charged VAT

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Call now to reserve your place 0151 328 0444

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