MS260 – What’s New in Canine and Feline Liver Disease

£447.00 (+VAT)

12 months access to recordings and course materials is included. Please note that these are webinar recordings and not live events. Full details on how to access the Mini Series will be emailed to you.

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  • Join Professor Nick Bexfield BVetMed PhD DSAM DipECVIM-CA PGDipMEdSci PGCHE FHEA MRCVS for three 2-hour online sessions
  • Liver disease is very common in dogs and cats, but it can be challenging to diagnose and manage. In session one we will review the diagnosis of liver diseases, focusing on clinical pathology, diagnostic imaging and ways to sample the liver. In session two, and using a selection of case-based examples, we will discuss the major canine liver diseases and review the latest advice on their management. In session three, we will discuss the differences in the feline liver and work through case examples highlighting the major feline liver diseases encountered in practice.
  • Comprehensive notes to download
  • Self-assessment quizzes to ‘release’ your 8 hours CPD certification (don’t worry, you can take them more than once if you don’t quite hit the mark first time)
  • A whole year’s access to recorded sessions for reviewing key points
  • Superb value for money – learn without travelling
  • Watch the recordings on your iPad!



Session 1

The diagnosis of canine and feline liver disease

What you’ll learn:

  • Outline the historical and physical examination findings in liver disease
  • Highlight how signalment can be helpful in making a diagnosis
  • Review the different liver enzymes and their significance
  • Critically evaluate the laboratory tests available to assess liver function
  • Compare radiography and ultrasonography for the investigation of liver disease
  • Select appropriate methods of sampling the liver and understand their limitations
Session 2

Common liver diseases of the dog

What you’ll learn:

  • Review the major liver diseases to affect the dog
  • Describe the latest developments in the aetiology and diagnosis of canine chronic hepatitis
  • Explain how canine chronic hepatitis is managed
  • Outline the causes of acute liver disease in dogs
  • Describe how bacterial cholangitis and cholecystitis is diagnosed and managed
Session 3

Common liver diseases of the cat

What you’ll learn:

  • Review the major liver diseases to affect the cat
  • Describe the latest thoughts on the aetiology and diagnosis of lymphocytic cholangitis
  • Describe the latest thoughts on the aetiology and diagnosis of neutrophilic cholangitis
  • Discuss therapeutic options in feline inflammatory liver disease
  • Describe the presentation, diagnosis and management of congenital portosystemic shunts


The price includes all 3 sessions, notes and quiz – 8 hours of CPD

*No traffic jams, accommodation hassles, pet or childcare, rota clashes, locum fees ……….. just great CPD and a valuable ongoing resource.

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Call now to reserve your place 0151 328 0444

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