Do you have a busy surgical caseload and would like to tackle more challenging surgical procedures? This course will equip you with the knowledge that you require for essential pre-operative investigations in your small animal patients. You’ll learn key practical skills for successful outcomes in these patients in extensive hands-on wet lab sessions. Lee Meakin, Head of Soft Tissue Surgery at Langford Vets (University of Bristol) will guide you through the procedures in this one-day highly practical course so that you will feel confident to tackle these surgeries when you get back to your practice.
What you’ll learn:
- Nosectomy
- Mandibulectomy and maxillectomy
- Modified orbitotomy and exenteration
- Permanent tracheostomy
- Lymph node extirpation
- Extensive practical sessions with direct help and guidance to develop your skills
Course Tutor: Lee Meakin MA MRes PhD VetMB DipECVS FRCVS
This course is kindly sponsored by Veterinary Instrumentation
Course Feedback:
“Brilliant course and tutor, very in-depth and practical.”
“Great teacher. Lots of practical time. Great speaker, nice facilities, very practical course.”
“Very Good. Practical part brilliant Lee was very approachable.”
“Very good blend of practical and theory. Good tuition, excellent staff, first rate facilities.”