MS286 – Pelvic Fractures

£447.00 (+VAT)

Join Associate Professor of Small Animal Orthopedics Karen Perry for three 2-hour sessions. Includes 12 months access to all of your course materials.

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  • Join Karen Lisette Perry BVM&S CertSAS DipECVS MSc Vet Ed FHEA MRCVS Associate Professor of Small Animal Orthopedics for three 2-hour online sessions
  • Comprehensive notes to download
  • Self-assessment quizzes to ‘release’ your 8 hours CPD certification (don’t worry, you can take them more than once if you don’t quite hit the mark first time)
  • A whole year’s access to recorded sessions for reviewing key points
  • Superb value for money – learn without travelling
  • Watch the recordings on your iPad!



Session 1

Preoperative Assessment and Planning

In this first session the focus will be on preoperative patient assessment and how this can impact on therapeutic decision-making. Injuries to other body systems, including common neurological presentations and missed diagnoses will be addressed. There will be an in-depth discussion regarding imaging, including the potential consideration of using imaging intraoperatively; topics will include patient positioning, ALARA principles, advantages and disadvantages of different imaging modalities and interpretation thereof. Common fracture patterns will be highlighted and prioritization of repair for such injuries considered with emphasis on considering how one repair may impact upon another injury.
During this session we will also review some of the surgical principles which will be fundamental to pelvic fracture management including lag screw fixation, tension band fixation and potential benefits of locking plate technology. Local and regional analgesic techniques will also be discussed.

What you’ll learn:

  • Articulate the extensive trauma potentially associated with pelvic fractures and potential for additional injuries
  • Appreciate the importance of a neurological examination in patients with pelvic fractures and potential impacts on therapeutic decision-making
  • Optimize patient positioning for radiography including special views if advanced imaging is not available
  • Consider advantages of advanced imaging and for which cases these may be particularly relevant
  • Recognize common patterns of pelvic fracture
  • Discuss how to prioritize injuries and repairs in patients with pelvic fractures
  • Articulate principles of lag screw fixation and tension band fixation
  • Discuss advantages and disadvantages of locking plate technology in management of pelvic fractures
Session 2

Intraoperative Considerations for Common Fracture Patterns

In the second session we will adopt a case-based format evaluating a selection of cases varying from relatively simple to complex. In addition to revisiting the order of repair, which was discussed in the first session, consideration will be given to selection of the appropriate surgical approach as well as instrumentation and techniques for maintaining fracture reduction. The advantages and disadvantages of different implant systems will be deliberated and methods of achieving implant purchase in areas where bone stock is limited reviewed. In the presence of acetabular fractures we will examine indications for primary repair, femoral head and neck excision, or a delayed approach followed by total hip replacement. Decision-making regarding sacral fractures will also be discussed.

What you’ll learn:

  • Describe the lateral approach to the ilium through gluteal roll-up and gluteal-roll down approaches
  • Describe combining the lateral approach to the ilium with the craniolateral approach to the hip
  • Describe the approach to the craniodorsal and caudodorsal aspects of the hip joint via osteotomy of the greater trochanter
  • Articulate when each of the above approaches may be preferable for a given case
  • Discuss a range of techniques to achieve and maintain reduction of various pelvic fracture configurations
  • Compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of different implant systems
  • Communicate methods of achieving implant purchase in areas where bone stock is limited
  • Compare prognoses for articular fractures with primary repair or salvage surgery
Session 3

Complications, Postoperative Considerations and Putting it all Together

In the third session we will again adopt a largely case-based approach focusing on complications and postoperative considerations. Discussions in this session will also incorporate all of the topics and principles covered in the first two sessions as we put all of this information together to consider management of cases from start to finish. The importance of preoperative planning in allowing anticipation of intraoperative complications will be emphasized. Priority will be placed on the identification and subsequent management or both intraoperative and postoperative complications, including recognizing the need for revision surgery immediately postoperatively. In addition, we will discuss postoperative recommendations for pelvic fracture and polytrauma patients and how we can optimize functional outcome.

What you’ll learn:

  • Articulate decision-making for a pelvic fracture patient incorporating every stage of management from preoperative assessment to postoperative management
  • Anticipate intraoperative and postoperative complications based on preoperative planning
  • Identify intraoperative and postoperative complications associated with pelvic fracture management
  • Identify postoperative indications that an immediate revision surgery is necessary
  • Articulate a management plan for commonly encountered postoperative complications in pelvic fracture patients
  • Detail a postoperative plan for pelvic fracture patients to optimize functional outcome


The price includes all 3 sessions, notes and quiz – 8 hours of CPD

*No traffic jams, accommodation hassles, pet or childcare, rota clashes, locum fees ……….. just great CPD and a valuable ongoing resource.

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