MSP135 – Different phases of Exercise Rehabilitation in the Lower Limb Injury

£247.00 (+VAT)

Join David Fevre for three 2-hour sessions. Includes 12 months access to all of your course materials.

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  • Join David Fevre MSc (Sports Physiotherapist) for three 2-hour online sessions
  • The therapist involved in any particular sport must be prepared to look outside the realms of the medical textbook when dealing with sports-associated injuries at any joint. Knowledge of the functional factors that are required for the role of the single competitor or team player is essential. From this, specific drills that test the physical or mental approach to the task required can be created. Different variables contribute to the intensity of the programme and the therapist needs to adjust these at the appropriate time in order to progress the rehabilitation plan from simple to complex movements. An organised progression of rehabilitation is the key to success moving from plinth based exercises to final stage outdoor rehabilitation for the injured athlete, before returning to competitive competition.
    The rehabilitation pathway from moment of injury until return to play can be a long, winding and uphill road from start to finish. It is a full-time commitment for both therapist and athlete. There will be ups and downs and it is important to be able to focus and re-focus when these situations arise.
  • Comprehensive notes to downloaded
  • Self-assessment quizzes to ‘release’ your 8 hours CPD certification (don’t worry, you can take them more than once if you don’t quite hit the mark first time)
  • A whole year’s access to recorded sessions for reviewing key points
  • Superb value for money – learn without travelling
  • Watch the recordings on your iPad!



Session 1

Treatment plinth-based exercise rehabilitation of the lower limb

Following any injury the first steps of recovery are to reduce the level of pain and inflammation and start the process of regaining the range of movement in the affected joint and surrounding soft tissue. Failure to do so can lead to excessive connective tissue fibrosis or poorly organized scar tissue in both joint and soft tissue which may delay a full recovery further into the rehabilitation process. Muscle atrophy rates of 2-6% per day for the first 8 days (Mueller et al, 1970) or 40% over 6 weeks (Psatha et al, 2012) of immobilisation will lead to a negative effect on long term functional outcome. Submaximal exercise must begin on the first day post injury before progressing to fully active modes over time as the acute symptoms subside.

What you’ll learn:

  • Diagnosis and planning of initial stage rehabilitation
  • Acute inflammatory management
  • Early mobilisation process
  • The role of sub maximal exercise in the acute injury phase
  • The effect of exercise on acute inflammation
Session 2

Gym based exercise rehabilitation of the lower limb

Once the acute inflammation phase has subsided, the rehabilitation process must be progressed from treatment plinth to gymnasium. This will encourage a graduated increase in weight bearing load through the site of the injury with a need to generate and absorb forces that may exceed the localised strength potential. Associated acute or chronic injury to proximal and distal structures will interrupt the normal transmission of these muscular and joint forces which may in turn affect the normal gait pattern. When applied to physical therapy, the link system emphasises the interdependent nature of individual components and the ultimate contribution to the entire biomechanical skeleton.

What you’ll learn:

  • Planning the rehabilitation programme after re-assessment of the injury
  • Progression of injury load as the inflammation subsides
  • The introduction of stability and controlled mobility
  • Adaption of exercise in relation to injury healing
  • Closed chain v open chain exercise
  • Application of appropriate modes of exercise to assist healing and regain function
  • The effect of exercise on joint and soft tissue structures
  • The role of recovery between sessions to assist in healing
Session 3   

Pitch based exercise rehabilitation of the lower limb

Functional progression is required for a safe return to activity. By breaking the action down into a hierarchy then performing that in sequence allows for re-education and redevelopment of a specific skill with a further increase in load. Functional drills are designed to restore functional stability about the injured joint whilst enhancing various motor skills. Load management through the injured structure continues to encourage healing with the introduction of varying force loads, such as shearing and synergically which need to be encouraged at this final end stage of recovery to complete the functional process

What you’ll learn:

  • Load management in the healing process
  • Functional patterns of movement
  • The need for eccentric exercise in the end stage of healing
  • Complications of poor rehabilitation post injury
  • The need for continued rehabilitation during the re-modelling phase


The price includes all 3 sessions, notes and quiz – 8 hours of CPD

*No traffic jams, accommodation hassles, pet or childcare, rota clashes, locum fees ……….. just great CPD and a valuable ongoing resource.

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