Practical Emergency Medicine
£1,097.00 (+VAT)
This course is 7 hours of CPD
This course will give you the knowledge and practical skills that you need to confidently manage more common medical emergencies in your practice. You’ll develop your decision-making skills as you work through clinical case examples. The ‘hands-on’ practical component in this session will enable you to practise essential techniques in a relaxed learning environment. What you’ll learn:
- Optimal management of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis
- How to identify and manage dogs with hypoadrenocorticism
- Blood transfusion therapy – how it should be done
- Enteral nutrition – why, when and how?
- How to perform pericardiocentesis safely and effectively
- Thoracic cavity disease – sampling and draining
- How to place oesophagostomy tubes, naso-oesophageal tubes, central venous catheters and thoracic drains.
Course Tutor: Nick Bexfield BVetMed PhD DSAM DipECVIM-CA AFHEA MRCVS European & RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Course Feedback:
“I enjoyed the course content especially the opportunity to practise skills I have never used before. It has given me the confidence to use these skills”
“Good course content, lecture notes, content well explained. Useful practical section”
“Very good, lots of information imported in a very efficient way. Very interesting. Welcomed the practical aspect”